50Calibur was originally conceived
on a theme : Soul Calibur. As I sat down to plot it out however, I realized
I would never be able to get the underground curved waterway, with caved
walls, to work properly with a 3D shooter environment, so I compromised,
and made it an OUTside arena, still in water, and the main objective being
on the moving rafts. I had originally imagined going between a sheer valley
wall between the two towers shown left, but due to space and engine restraints,
was unable to produce said map. I may try with the Elite Force 2 engine.
Thus said, I did produce an original map based on a crosstheme : Everquest
music and items, and annoying theme music in theme rides! Look for some
breakable secrets, as well as hidden caches of supplies spread about. I
wouldn't recommend swimming with the sharks, they're a bit hungry... |